Reception September 2025

We are delighted that you have chosen Rudyard Kipling Primary School and Nursery (RKPS) as your child's school for Reception, September 2025. We are currently oversubscribed for Reception 2025 and we are of course, disappointed that a number families will miss out on a place with us. There is a waiting list, so if a place becomes available those families on the list will be informed. We are confident our nurturing and dynamic school setting, which achieves the highest academic standards has been felt and seen by many families during our Open Events. Moreover, our most recent results again place us in the top ten performing schools in the whole of Brighton and Hove. Children with SEND excel too, with their achievements amongst the best in the city.  

Our children are taught to love reading from the moment they set foot in our school. Using the 'Power of Reading' approach, we introduce our learners to a rich and diverse selection of texts. Our teachers read to their classes every day and drama is used to bring the texts to life. 96% of last year's Year 6 children achieved the expected standard in reading, the highest of any school in the city. Our children enjoy achieving.

A sporting culture is well-embedded at RKPS and we have school teams in a variety of sports: cricket, rugby, athletics, netball and football. 

Nurture is at the heart of all we do here and our three school therapy dogs-Hugo, Buddy and Bailey- play a key part in this. Here at Rudyard, no child is left behind.

We are fortunate to have glorious school grounds here: two sports fields and our own magical Forest School. You won't realise what a wonderful setting until you come and visit: I look forward to showing you around soon.

Euan Hanington-Headteacher

2024 Year 6 SATs Results                                                
  RKPS LA National
Reading 96%* 79% 74%
Writing 77% 71% 72%
Maths 73% 72% 73%
Reading, Writing, Maths Combined 69% 60% 61%

 *Highest in Brighton & Hove

2024 Year 6 SATs Results - SEN supported children (expected standard)
  RKPS National
Reading 100% 48%
Writing 70% 36%
Maths 70& 44%


At Rudyard Kipling Primary School & Nursery, Learning is an Adventure!



In the coming weeks a 'Welcome Pack' will be added to this page. This will include all the information you need. 

We take great care over transition into our Reception. Full details will be made available shortly. 

Pre-school at RKPS

We also offer a first class early years provision with our school nursery catering pre school age children and 2-3 year olds. This provides a stable and smooth transition into our Reception classes. For more information regarding our 2 year old class and our preschool (3 & 4 year olds) please visit our Nursery page.

We look forward to meeting you soon. In the meantime, please check out our school video below and our prospectus by clicking here.

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