Admissions & Policies

How to apply to join us in the nursery.

Do come and visit us in the nursery, simply call the school office on 01273 303328 and book a time that suits you best. Alternatively, you can pick up and return completed, an application form for the nursery at the school Reception. On receipt, a member of the Nursery team will make contact to confirm application.


Armstrong (3-4 year old room)

Nursery Teacher and EYFS Lead
: Ms. A. Smith

Nursery Nurse: Ms. E.Powell

We offer 15 hours of free provision for all children taken either at the beginning of the week or at the end of the week and 30 hours free provision for working parents of three and four year olds; you can check your eligibility online

15 hours
Monday and Tuesday 8.50am to 3.05 pm and Wednesday morning 8.50am -11.50am. Children are required to bring a packed lunch to nursery on the full days - or:

Wednesday afternoon 12.05pm to 3.05pm and Thursday and Friday 8.50am to 3.05 pm. Children are required to bring a packed lunch to nursery on the full days.

30 hour
Monday to Friday 8.50am to 3.05 pm. Children are required to bring a packed lunch to nursery daily.

In addition: We are able to offer paid provision on a first come, first served bases should spaces be available on the day required.


Carle (2 year old room)

Room Leader: Ms. S. Robinson

Early Years Practitioner: Ms. S Cooper

This room is primarily for 2 year olds entitled to 15 hours free nursery provision. To qualify, parents must be in receipt of eligible benefits or tax credits. Find out if you are eligible to free childcare and apply online

Days and times of provision within the school day are presently negotiable and mutually agreed by parent/carer and Nursery Manager.

In addition, we offer some paid provision.

Please contact us on our school number 01273 303328 to enquire about availability.

Please note: We are a term time only provision adhering to the number of school days open as set by the school.


