Our Approach & Assessment

Settling in and transition procedures

We endeavor to make settling and transitioning into the setting as comfortable and exciting an experience as possible and have the following in place to support the well-being and happiness of our children.

2 year old Nursery offer

Appointment for Nursery viewing during the school day for families.

School appointment prior to children attending Nursery.

Short settling in sessions with parent and child together; the number of settling sessions agreed mutually between parent/carer and child’s key worker.

In the term prior to starting in the 3 year old room children who are our rising 3’s begin to spend some time in the 3 year old room. The lead is taken from the child.

3 Year old Nursery

Appointment for Nursery viewing during the school day for families.

School visit prior to children attending Nursery during which time an agreed settling in process is decided; the lead is taken from the parent.

Every child deserves the best possible start in life and support to fulfil their potential. How children start their lives and their education in early settings has a huge role to play in their futures and can impact on their chances and opportunities. Children need a safe and secure environment in which they are happy and are free to develop to their full abilities.

(Statutory Framework for the EYFS).


Recording of children’s development

Throughout the Nursery, the recording of children’s progress is through ‘Evidence Me’ observations (an online learning journey) emailed to your inbox, that captures milestones in each child’s development; it includes observations, photos and quotes from each child to inform their interests, achievements, next steps and characteristics of learning.

The children bring home work that they feel particularly proud of. These wonderfully display how the children have progressed in their fine motor skills and expressive arts and design. 

Parents share children's achievements at home through ‘Wow’ certificates which are celebrated in Nursery.

In addition, in the 2 year old room, compulsory (Government requirement) ‘Two Year Old Progress Checks’ are undertaken with input from both child’s key worker and parent/carers, within a few weeks of the children starting with us.
